Hello there, dear reader!

After months of sitting around in a work-in-progress stale state, without any significant progress whatsoever, we are finally online. Now that all those little distractions named lectures, tutorials and theses are gone for the moment, we got around to do a full redesign of this page here, and will be going on to write about things. Lifescience things, physics things and code things. Mostly code things. Lots of code things, here and on GitHub.

First things first, work on nimna will be resumed. I am going to need that for research stuff soon. Furthermore, I will get to organise the C++ and Nim code dump that is my thesis, which will hopefully coalesce to form one or two Nim packages, and a small C++ library or two. What comes after that? We’ll see. I’ve been trying some new things and maybe we’ll get to see some Julia code, or stuff to #makeNimScienceAgain. And whatever open source stuff that falls out of my new job.

Until then, I have to say I’m glad to be back from thesis limbo, stay tuned for what is coming.

Regards, mj