That's me, I suppose ... biologist, physicist, coder.
who I am in short
biologist turned computer scientist, computational biologist, computational physicist, data scientist, compiler wizard, numerics sorcerer, whatever the next project needs.
what I do in short
hacking compilers and code in general. hacking all those small living things to be found in the lab. hacking existence to bring about quantum effects. all this for fun, profit and clearing up a few pieces of weirdness floating around the codebase of the universe.
what I use in short
Python, C, C++, CUDA, also Julia and Nim. Sometimes pen and paper and a calculator, rarely a blackboard. GPUs, lots of GPUs and the university's cluster. E. coli, S. cervisiae, DNAzymes and ribozymes, cyclers, centrifuges ...
now for the long version

who am I?

I am Michael Jendrusch, born some twenty-odd years ago in south-west Germany who adamantly refused to have anything to do with coding until the age of 18, when he entered a bachelor’s programme at Heidelberg University. That programme was molecular biotechnology, a programme as far from computer science as possible. After having had his fill of memorizing biological processes and wanting to get a look at the actual scientific process, he applied to his university’s team for the international genetically engineered machine competition iGEM in 2015. There, he became one of the team’s software guys using Python, while also working in the lab. Two years and quite a few internships later he got to work with a number of programming languages on a number of scientific and not so scientific problems becoming more of a coder than a biologist. At that point, he gave up the idea of only working on biological problems. Currently, he is working in different labs on a projects for quantum theory, embedded cancer diagnostics, as well as laboratory automation. Ok, that’s enough about who I am.

what do I do?

I work in a hybrid experimental and computational setting, mostly in biology. That means I mostly get to write computational biology and computational chemistry code, with some machine learning in between. Now, all this code has to be used both by me and my colleagues, so ease of use is certainly an issue. This is why I usually end up writing my code as a library with an embedded domain specific language, which has been much easier, since we switched to Nim for those tools. On the other side, I still swing my pipette in the lab working in an area known as synthetic biology. Outside of work, I am playing with some of the hot technologies around, such as decentral distributed ledgers on one side and compilers on the other. I will update this part of the page with new information, once my current projects reach completion.

what do I use?

As I mostly work in biology I am quite familiar with the standard stuff lying around in a laboratory as well as the standard software suites for biology and chemistry. I also tend to use open source libraries for the more computational tasks in the lab, such as molecular dynamics computations. On the programming side of things I a Vim setup and an Atom setup, depending on what I am in the mood for, running on Manjaro Linux running on a second generation Intel i7 and a constantly overheating Nvidia 630M mobile GPU bundled into a well-worn laptop. My language of choice is currently Nim, for its metaprogramming capabilities and the overall nice performance. My languages of work are Nim, C++, Python and Julia, with the odd ten year old legacy perl script somewhere in between.